What is Hypnobirthing?

by David
Image by SeppH from Pixabay

We are back with an interesting comeback and this time’s blog post is about hypnobirthing, wait what? Hypnobirthing? Yes, you heard it right, hypnobirthing and today we are going to learn what is this all about, thanks to Serene Starts for sharing this information to all my readers đź“–

From Pain to Power

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing releases the fear and negativity that our society has instilled around birth. Replacing fear with calm and confidence. You do not need to worry about the hypnosis part as this is not staged hypnosis, we can’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do! In fact, any hypnobirthing course is filled with evidence-based information to facilitate choice and control. There is often the misunderstanding that hypnobirthing is a form of pain relief, and while it can lead to a more comfortable birth, it is in fact much more than this, it reforms your own personal beliefs about childbirth.

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing combines hypnotherapy and tapping into the subconscious mind, together with logic and reason. Hypnobirthing provides the expectant parents with a range of tools and techniques that reframe and reshape your innermost thoughts and feelings about birth, this then leads to a more comfortable birth, as the notion of pain is turned into power. It is also, the parents’ responsibility to keep practising the techniques learnt throughout pregnancy, for it to be effective.

Whats in it for the family?

For the mother; Hypnobirthing releases any fear the mother may have around pregnancy, labour, and birth, which facilitates a calm and positive pregnancy and birth experience. Without fear labour is much less likely to be painful and more likely to be a powerful experience. Furthermore, she is equipped with a sound knowledge to facilitate better
decision making.

For the father or birth partner; Hypnobirthing gives the father a role during pregnancy and birth, very often fathers feel helpless during these times so by practising Hypnobirthing with the mother he is helping her in a way only he can, giving him more confidence and an enhanced role. As such he is better equipped to ask questions and access evidence-based
practice. He may also start using the techniques learnt for himself in day to day life and in parenting.
For the baby; the baby is born into a calm birth environment and with well informed parents. The baby is more likely to be a calm and contented child.

When should a couple consider doing a KGHypnobirthing course?

Hypnobirthing is suitable at any point from the beginning of the second trimester onwards.
The couple will also have to allocate time for practising the hypnobirthing techniques in order to make the most out of it.

The Midwife and KGHynobirthing teacher behind Serene Starts

As a midwife, I have been focused on normalising childbirth since I started practicing in 2012. KGH complements well my current skill set, together with my knowledge of the local maternity system and practices. My own birth experience has also given me a different perspective on pregnancy and birth and I’m looking forward to working towards more expectant parents having a calm, confident and positive birth experience.

For more information contact: sereanestarts.mt@gmail.com

Sounds, interesting and if I knew about this one before my second daughter’s birth, I would’ve for sure give it a try. As my wife was a bit overwhelmed with our second and I also felt relatively helpless during our second birth.

Do you want to know information or maybe have some questions? Rebecca is not only a hypnobirthing teacher, but also a midwife so don’t hesitate to contact her here.

Thank You Rebecca and stay tuned for her next blog post The Newborn Mother, who is she? What does she need? Follow my blog to find out!

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