These past 4 years of my life were a whole different type of journey, and that is when I became a dad!
Fatherhood changed me to become a caregiver, a protector and also even more sensitive to understanding what a child actually wants/needs. These are just a few changes, and if you experienced any of the below you are on your way to becoming a nurturing father, check it out!
Being more responsible:
I would never imagine that 4 and a half years ago, I will be a dad of two and now my responsibilities are changing day by day. Responsibilities like, financial security, making sure your children are getting the best education, making sure they are not cold or sleeping next to them when they have a nightmare. I would have never foreseen this 5 years down the line and the older I get the more responsible I am becoming, so it’s a process!
I became more appreciative:
This happened to me recently, I was abroad and my daughter prepared a drawing for me as a welcome back present, this was a very simple stick man family, showing Daddy, Mummy, Sophia, Emilia (Her sister), her best friend and a spider (I guess my daughter loves these eight-legged creatures), but seeing it made me so happy and I appreciated the effort she had done in this drawing.
I don’t even care what people say:
My daughter wants to listen to Barbie girl in the car with high volume, why not! If she’s happy, I am happy! People will look at me, yes, but as long as my daughter is happy, I don’t care. Your whole world is your family, and don’t let people influence your behaviour around other people, so if next time your daughter wants you to wear matching fairy costumes, not at carnival, don’t hesitate just do it!
Becoming a mentor to them:
Parenting is a journey, so imagine every day is a class for your kids, do you want to waste that precious time nagging that they dropped their glass of milk? Or shall you turn that into a teachable moment and tell your child that for every action you do, there’s always a teachable moment. Just tell your child, that it was an accident, don’t yell and gather all the cleaning stuff and ask them to help you, so they are responsible for their own action.
I think about my actions before I act:
How do you want your child to remember you? An overreacting person? An angry person? A neglectful person? Or a person who listens and acts diligently?
This was a question I learned with my kids and made me also reflect on a lot of things on how I live my life and interact with people.
My list can go on to show how awesome fatherhood is and how much we need to give credit to us dads for all the stuff we do in the shadows, so why not give us something special to show that we care? I am collaborating with Ikkuluriti and they came up with this special daddy box, which can be given to dads on fathers day, birthdays or any special occasion to show your appreciation. Interested check out their special eco-box (Yes, everything you buy from their shop is eco-friendly) and they do deliveries, so this box is perfect for your last-minute gift.

Fathers Gift Box